

  • Parameters

    • source: string

    Returns Alias


[NODE_TYPE]: symbol
anchor?: undefined
comment?: null | string

A comment on or immediately after this

commentBefore?: null | string

A comment before this

range?: null | Range

The [start, value-end, node-end] character offsets for the part of the source parsed into this node (undefined if not parsed). The value-end and node-end positions are themselves not included in their respective ranges.

source: string
spaceBefore?: boolean

A blank line before this node and its commentBefore

srcToken?: yaml.CST.Token

The CST token that was composed into this node.

tag?: string

A fully qualified tag, if required


  • Create a copy of this node.

    Returns NodeBase

  • Resolve the value of this alias within doc, finding the last instance of the source anchor before this node.


    Returns undefined | Scalar<unknown> | YAMLMap<unknown, unknown> | YAMLSeq<unknown>

  • Parameters

    • Optional _arg: unknown
    • Optional ctx: ToJSContext

    Returns null | {}

  • Parameters

    • Optional ctx: StringifyContext
    • Optional _onComment: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    • Optional _onChompKeep: (() => void)
        • (): void
        • Returns void

    Returns string

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