CompatVue: Pick<App, "version" | "component" | "directive"> & {
    config: AppConfig & LegacyConfig;
    configureCompat: typeof configureCompat;
    extend: ((options?) => CompatVue);
    nextTick: typeof __type;
    observable: typeof reactive;
    version: string;
    compile(template): RenderFunction;
    component(name): undefined | Component<any, any, any, ComputedOptions, MethodOptions>;
    component(name, component): CompatVue;
    delete(target, key): void;
    directive(name): undefined | vue.Directive<any, any>;
    directive(name, directive): CompatVue;
    filter(name, arg?): null;
    mixin(mixin): CompatVue;
    set(target, key, value): void;
    use(plugin, ...options): CompatVue;
    new (options?): LegacyPublicInstance;

Type declaration

    • new (options?): LegacyPublicInstance
    • Parameters

      Returns LegacyPublicInstance

  • config: AppConfig & LegacyConfig
  • configureCompat: typeof configureCompat
  • extend: ((options?) => CompatVue)
  • nextTick: typeof __type
  • observable: typeof reactive


    use reactive instead.

  • version: string
  • compile:function
    • Parameters

      • template: string

      Returns RenderFunction

  • component:function
  • delete:function
    • Parameters

      • target: any
      • key: string | number | symbol

      Returns void


      Vue 3 no longer needs delete() for property deletions.

  • directive:function
    • Parameters

      • name: string

      Returns undefined | vue.Directive<any, any>

    • Parameters

      Returns CompatVue

  • filter:function
    • Parameters

      • name: string
      • Optional arg: any

      Returns null


      filters have been removed from Vue 3.

  • mixin:function
    • Parameters

      Returns CompatVue

  • set:function
    • Parameters

      • target: any
      • key: string | number | symbol
      • value: any

      Returns void


      Vue 3 no longer needs set() for adding new properties.

  • use:function
    • Parameters

      • plugin: vue.Plugin<any[]>
      • Rest ...options: any[]

      Returns CompatVue


the default Vue export has been removed in Vue 3. The type for the default export is provided only for migration purposes. Please use named imports instead - e.g. import { createApp } from 'vue'.

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