interface AppConfig {
    compilerOptions: RuntimeCompilerOptions;
    errorHandler?: ((err, instance, info) => void);
    globalProperties: ComponentCustomProperties & Record<string, any>;
    isCustomElement?: ((tag) => boolean);
    isNativeTag?: ((tag) => boolean);
    optionMergeStrategies: Record<string, OptionMergeFunction>;
    performance: boolean;
    unwrapInjectedRef?: boolean;
    warnHandler?: ((msg, instance, trace) => void);


compilerOptions: RuntimeCompilerOptions

Options to pass to @vue/compiler-dom. Only supported in runtime compiler build.

errorHandler?: ((err, instance, info) => void)

Type declaration

    • (err, instance, info): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

globalProperties: ComponentCustomProperties & Record<string, any>
isCustomElement?: ((tag) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (tag): boolean
    • Parameters

      • tag: string

      Returns boolean


      use config.compilerOptions.isCustomElement

isNativeTag?: ((tag) => boolean)

Type declaration

    • (tag): boolean
    • Parameters

      • tag: string

      Returns boolean

optionMergeStrategies: Record<string, OptionMergeFunction>
performance: boolean
unwrapInjectedRef?: boolean

Temporary config for opt-in to unwrap injected refs.


this no longer has effect. 3.3 always unwraps injected refs.

warnHandler?: ((msg, instance, trace) => void)

Type declaration

    • (msg, instance, trace): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

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