interface Options {
    angle?: number;
    colors?: string[];
    decay?: number;
    disableForReducedMotion?: boolean;
    drift?: number;
    gravity?: number;
    origin?: Origin;
    particleCount?: number;
    scalar?: number;
    shapes?: Shape[];
    spread?: number;
    startVelocity?: number;
    ticks?: number;
    zIndex?: number;


angle?: number

The angle in which to launch the confetti, in degrees. 90 is straight up.

colors?: string[]

An array of color strings, in the HEX format... you know, like #bada55.

decay?: number

How quickly the confetti will lose speed. Keep this number between 0 and 1, otherwise the confetti will gain speed. Better yet, just never change it.

disableForReducedMotion?: boolean

Disables confetti entirely for users that prefer reduced motion. The confetti() promise will resolve immediately in this case.

drift?: number

How much to the side the confetti will drift. The default is 0, meaning that they will fall straight down. Use a negative number for left and positive number for right

gravity?: number

How quickly the particles are pulled down. 1 is full gravity, 0.5 is half gravity, etc., but there are no limits.

origin?: Origin

Where to start firing confetti from. Feel free to launch off-screen if you'd like.

particleCount?: number

The number of confetti to launch. More is always fun... but be cool, there's a lot of math involved.

scalar?: number

Scale factor for each confetti particle. Use decimals to make the confetti smaller.

shapes?: Shape[]

The possible values are square, circle, and star. The default is to use both squares and circles in an even mix.

spread?: number

How far off center the confetti can go, in degrees. 45 means the confetti will launch at the defined angle plus or minus 22.5 degrees.

startVelocity?: number

How fast the confetti will start going, in pixels.

ticks?: number

How many times the confetti will move. This is abstract... but play with it if the confetti disappear too quickly for you.

zIndex?: number

The confetti should be on top, after all. But if you have a crazy high page, you can set it even higher.