interface AsyncLockOptions {
    Promise?: unknown;
    domainReentrant?: boolean;
    maxOccupationTime?: number;
    maxPending?: number;
    skipQueue?: boolean;
    timeout?: number;


Promise?: unknown

Use your own promise library instead of the global Promise variable.

import AsyncLock = require('async-lock');
import Bluebird = require('bluebird');
import Q = require('q');

new AsyncLock({ Promise: Bluebird }); // Bluebird
new AsyncLock({ Promise: Q }); // Q
domainReentrant?: boolean

Make a lock reentrant in the same domain.

import AsyncLock = require('async-lock');
import * as domain from 'domain';

const lock = new AsyncLock({ domainReentrant: true });
const d = domain.create(); => {
lock.acquire('key', () => {
// Enter lock
return lock.acquire('key', () => {
// Enter same lock twice
maxOccupationTime?: number

Max amount of time allowed between entering the queue and completing execution.

0 (Never)
maxPending?: number

Max number of tasks allowed in the queue at a time.

skipQueue?: boolean

Allows to enqueue a task in the front of the queue, skipping all enqueued tasks.

import AsyncLock = require('async-lock');

const lock = new AsyncLock();
// Add a task to the front of the queue waiting for a given lock
lock.acquire(key, fn1, cb); // runs immediately
lock.acquire(key, fn2, cb); // added to queue
lock.acquire(key, priorityFn, cb, { skipQueue: true }); // jumps queue and runs before fn2
timeout?: number

Max amount of time an item can remain in the queue before acquiring the lock.

0 (Never)