DOM Transition is a higher-order-component based on the platform-agnostic base Transition component, with DOM-specific logic.

  • Parameters

    • props: TransitionProps & {}
    • ctx: Omit<{
          attrs: Data;
          emit: ((event: string, ...args: any[]) => void);
          expose: (<Exposed>(exposed?: Exposed) => void);
          slots: Readonly<InternalSlots>;
      }, "expose">

    Returns any


__file?: string

This one should be exposed so that devtools can make use of it

__isBuiltIn?: boolean

Compat build only, for bailing out of certain compatibility behavior

__name?: string

name inferred from filename

compatConfig?: CompatConfig
displayName?: string
emits?: never[] | {}
inheritAttrs?: boolean
slots?: Readonly<InternalSlots>