• This method is like _.reduce except that it iterates over elements of a collection from right to left.

    Type Parameters

    • T
    • TResult


    • collection: undefined | null | T[]

      The collection to iterate over.

    • callback: MemoListIterator<T, TResult, T[]>

      The function called per iteration.

    • accumulator: TResult

      Initial value of the accumulator.

    Returns TResult

    The accumulated value.

  • Type Parameters

    • T
    • TResult


    • collection: undefined | null | List<T>
    • callback: MemoListIterator<T, TResult, List<T>>
    • accumulator: TResult

    Returns TResult


  • Type Parameters

    • T extends object
    • TResult


    • collection: undefined | null | T
    • callback: MemoObjectIterator<T[keyof T], TResult, T>
    • accumulator: TResult

    Returns TResult


  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • collection: undefined | null | T[]
    • callback: MemoListIterator<T, T, T[]>

    Returns undefined | T


  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • collection: undefined | null | List<T>
    • callback: MemoListIterator<T, T, List<T>>

    Returns undefined | T


  • Type Parameters

    • T extends object


    • collection: undefined | null | T
    • callback: MemoObjectIterator<T[keyof T], T[keyof T], T>

    Returns undefined | T[keyof T]
